Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why I'm Not In Sales - The story of a t-shirt

There's a reason why I'm not in sales. I suck at it. My attitude about selling has basically been, if I wanted to be an actress, I would have moved to Hollywood a long time ago.

It seems like every where I look, people who've gone through cancer have found their creativity. I've been trying to find mine.

Last Christmas my husband gave me a set of crochet hooks and knitting needles. They're still in the package in my nightstand. The yarn I bought last year is still sitting in the bag in a drawer. My sewing machine? It keeps traveling around our office. I have a scarf from Target buried somewhere in my closet. My plans were to do some ribbon embroidery on it.

I have a plastic storage container in the spare bedroom with a ton of patterns, fabric and various things that I think I will one day use. For something. There's also a couple of sketch books too, somewhere in this house.

One of the things I also attempted last year was a t-shirt. I didn't know how to sell it. I posted a link to it on my personal Facebook page. Then, a day or two later, a former schoolmate of mine suddenly started pushing some "ribbon" t-shirts. I should have known better. I lost my drive after that.

I don't like being pushy.

And with the exception of my husband and my cancer, everything in my life has seemed to have been a day late and a dollar short.

So, I have something to ask of you.

Please look at my t-shirt. I know everyone has bills to pay and that we're not made of money. If you like it and are willing to spend the money, please buy one. If you like it and can't buy it, then please pass it along to someone.

But, the biggest favor I ask of you... please don't take my idea. God knows I come up with a bizzillion ideas in my head. Very rarely do I ever actually act on them.

Oh, and I plan to wear this to "the Race" this Saturday.

