Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome to My Garden

So, you say you've been eye-balling that cute little Lilly Pulitzer dress?  The one that mocks you every time you walk into the department store?  You know, the one that screams out, boobies!?

Oh, you haven't?  Um, me neither.

But anyway, who says you have to sacrifice the clothes you like just because you have one breast?  I didn't.  It wasn't the lack of a breast that stopped me from buying it.  Even though the temptation remains to go back and whip out the charge card, I just don't think I can do it.  Not for $188.  Add on top of that another $88 for the shrug or whatever that piece of knit fabric is called.  It's tempting.  If for nothing else but for the shock value of it.  It's just too bad I didn't come across it before the Komen Survivor's Tea last month.

If I weren't so damn lazy I'd make foobs with flowers.  Not out of a flower-printed fabric, but a foob that would work like that styrofoam base florists use in arrangements.  And I'd make some nice soft fabric flowers that could be arranged properly in the empty cup.  No, make that the empty flower pot sitting on my chest.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Pink ribbons may annoy the crap out of me, but what annoys me more are neighbors who expect yards to look like perfection. Those retired old farts with a ton of time on their hands. Free time to ride around reporting their neighbors whose yards just arent pretty. Makes me wonder how they feel about imperfect people with missing limbs and missing breasts. I hate the association of pink with breast cancer. It's a fun color. So, I think I will cheer up the cranky neighbors with a splash or two of pink. Pink lawn furniture. Pink flamingo (just one, maybe two). Heck, I may even cover the trampoline in pink. Pink garage? Hhhmmmmm. I wonder if I can paint the pond wall pink. Cancer. I really love the way it brings out the asshole in me.:p