Saturday, October 3, 2015


It's been two years since I last posted to this blog.

I have to say, since I began blogging, I have noticed a considerable drop in the amount of "pink" during Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Maybe some people are finally getting it, that cancer is not something to celebrate.  Hopefully, more and more people are speaking out about it and confronting people and businesses who continue to throw pink in our face every October.

Cancer is not limited to just one month of the year.  It's a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year stamp in our heads.

I sit here at my kitchen table, glaring out the window at a swollen pond wondering if the neighborhood Nazis have had the two alligators executed yet.  It's not much of a day for me to blog anything about breast cancer or pink ribbons.  It's a day of nonstop rain and flooding.  It's a day I should have enjoyed sleeping in late.  Something I've always enjoyed on a rainy morning.  However, the alarm clock of slamming doors kept me awake and has now made me cranky.  Oh wait, sorry about that.  I'm always cranky.

This might give you an idea of how I felt when I got out of bed this morning.

Current MoodCurrent mood:
Posted by 103.5 KTU on Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It amazes me that when I find myself full of piss and vinegar, on fire and ready to blog, I can't seem to remember my password for this.  Or it's late at night while I'm on the iPad.  I'm old fashioned.  I like a keyboard.

So, maybe as Pinktober moves along I will find some motivation, a little piss and vinegar and hit the keyboards.

In the meantime, since I can't get this song out of my head, I will gladly stick it in yours.

Later gator.

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