Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Peace and Justice

Useless piece of crap gets indicted for two murders

On a night that I should be rejoicing, I find myself with anger. Anger that Lisa Pate and likely Mickey Shunick died at the hands of another. How many more?

I should be celebrating that this useless piece of crap male has been indicted for the murder of these two young women.

I'm not.

I find myself unable to wish that he burn in hell. Unable to rejoice at someone receiving a death penalty. Yet, I don't want life in prison for him.

None of these "options" seem to be right.

None of these "options" will bring back these two women or any of the thousands of women in this country who were murdered.

It would be fair, I think, to douse him with jet fuel, light him on fire, and extinguish the fire just before the useless piece of crap croaks so that he really suffers inflict on him the same amount of fear and pain he put his victims through.

To be fair would be to make him suffer the same pain and anguish he inflicted on the families and friends of his victims.

But then I would be assuming someone like that is actually human.

Lisa Pate
Charlotte Murray Pace
Gina Wilson
Pam Kinamore
Randi Merrier
Geralyn Desoto
Carrie Lynn Yoder
Trineisha Dene Colomb


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