I couldn't help but rejoice at this article, yet at the same time feel her pain. Having gone through a mastectomy and a failed reconstruction, I know that feeling of trying to wear certain clothes. Even a simple sports bra digs into me. Swimsuits have been a challenge.
How true it is that had she walked into the public pool as a man, no one would have questioned her.
Why should she, or anyone else in her situation, have to hide herself?
We live in a society where breasts are everywhere. Cleavage. Women hardly cover themselves up in public. Even in the house of God there are young and middle age women baring as much skin as they can legally get away with.
Why on earth should this woman be required to cover up?
The woman in this story is a friend of one of "us" (bloggers). I'm with you. WHY should she have to cover up is right.....