I returned home from work last night to learn that James Hatfield, aka Papa Het, the lead singer for Metallica has returned to rehab. This breaks my heart to no end. There is no exaggeration when I tell you that I spent the night and most of this morning in prayer and some "hard" talks with God.
I don't know how the hell I missed Metallica in the eighties. It's not like I didn't have the same big hair as these guys had. But, somehow, Duran Duran managed to overshadow them in my world. I guess all I heard was "heavy metal" and assumed the worst. Little did I know.
My first introduction to the band was Whisky In The Jar. I couldn't get enough of that song. I made several visits with our main IT guy about downloading it and of course not getting in trouble... thanks Napster.
Years went by and I paid no more attention to the group until about a year or so ago (if that long). I can't tell you what got my attention, but since then not a day has gone by that I haven't listened to Metallica or thought about James. Oddball things happen in my life. Little things that most people wouldn't think anything of. But, one day while I was shopping off my Goodwill Outlet addiction, I found myself sorting through a bin full of bullshit CDs. As I rounded the corner of the bin, I found myself thinking, "what's the likelihood of finding a Metallica cd?" Well, no shit. I kid you not... I moved a disc and there underneath it was Garage. In perfect condition. That was the best $80 ever spent at an outlet. It possibly even somewhat cured my GW addiction. That CD has been in my car stereo since that day.
I also can't really tell you what introduced me to S&M, but I was completely sold. For the first time in years, I purchased a brand spanking new CD straight from the Metallica site. It too has been in my cd player since. I remember the first time I listened to it as I drove highway 17 to work that day. Euphoria? Maybe. My five disc stereo carries only three discs now. All Metallica.
And it's not all about the music and the band.
It's mostly become all about Papa Het. Something about him got the wheels in my brain rolling more than usual. The more I saw the man, the more I read up on him, the more I read "in between the lines".
At the risk of sounding cheesy, or sappy. The man is simply, beautiful.
True grit.
I have so much respect for him and his wife. No disrespect to the other members of Metallica, but James and his wife have been married since 1997. I not only love him, but I love her just as much. It can't possibly have been easy for this lady to not only have stood beside James throughout all those years, but to have kicked him out of their home 20 years ago. God bless those two. I couldn't think of anything I'd love more than to spend some time with them. Well, I would love more to see him come out of rehab stronger than he's ever been. And I do believe that despite all of his vices, he is strong.
I'm praying hard for you, James, and for your family. You are stronger than your addictions. But, God is stronger. And He is with you.